Thursday, May 22, 2014

Updates, Work, & Love Life.....or lack thereof......

Man, it's hard to believe that we are almost through May! Where on earth has the time gone?! Well, this month has already seen a lot of ups and downs. On the plus, I got to take pictures for the WAC Track Championships held here at our UVU campus! It was pretty hard seeing that the day was long and physically draining. Also, my brother (Kaden) is extremely close to submitting his mission papers! I started working full time at Boostability, tried a summer class and quit the first day because it was so difficult. Saw my first huge paycheck from working full time and am completely satisfied. We said goodbye to a roommate that moved and welcomed the RA that's replacing me. There have been so many great and new people moving into our ward and I will be sad to leave them in August. I'm trying to workout more and become the best that I can be. And......Kaden graduates high school next week!! How crazy is that?!

Because I have a lot of friends that ask about this: Dating in Utah County, is still....hard. Whether you try to date members or non-members. I'm only 20 and if I had a dime for every time someone from back home asked me if I was dating anyone yet, I'd be rich. I've gone on many dates, but haven't "clicked" with someone enough that we saw more of each other.

I've learned a lot over the past few months of dating though. (Isn't it amazing the things you learn when you live on your own and make decisions for yourself?) You know that list we all made when we were younger? The list of traits we want in a future spouse or girl/boy friend? Yea, the one I still look at frequently. Well, I've learned that you can find someone with all of those traits, and yet you still wouldn't be truly happy with them and it may not work out. Instead, it's better to have a few basic qualities that are a must and then be open to all the others. Like, a few of mine that I have chosen are: 1) Must be a worthy priesthood holder and honors that privilege 2) Wants to get married in the temple and have a family. 3) Has completed or is working towards some form of higher education  4) Is financially stable, responsible, and debt free (except for student loans. Those are understandable) 5) Is willing to treat me as his equal and be my partner in crime for eternity. Dating in general is hard and it's not always going to be easy. It's important to stick to your values and what you believe to be right/true. The person you end up dating and marrying shouldn't make you feel like you have to compromise that belief system.

Along with dating and such, I had a pretty eye opening experience this past month worth sharing. Anyone who knows me, can tell you that I am a very religious person and I stand up for what I believe in, no matter what situation I may be in. It's never been hard for me to do. Well, there was this guy that I was trying to see and possibly date seriously, but I had a feeling it may not work because he is not LDS. He told me numerous times that he wanted to date a Mormon girl and convert. I would simply say to him each time that he needed to convert for himself and not for the girl because that relationship would be destined to fail. After spending numerous hours together that amounted to a week, someone had to talk about the elephant in the room. It was he who brought it up. He proceeded to tell me that night how much he liked me and wanted to make things work, but he wanted me to go home and think about it to make sure that it was what I wanted. Who was he kidding?! I did want it to work out! Or did I....? I didn't even seem to know. After talking with my roommate that night for about two hours, we decided that he wasn't the one for me and it would be best if we didn't pursue each other.  That was the plan. The next morning, I texted him and told him that I did want to be with him. To make sure we were clear when talking to eachother, we decided to talk about it in person. He proceeded to tell me that he wanted to be with me and how I'm a special girl and he wants things to work and yet again he told me that he wants to date a Mormon girl and convert, which I yet again proceeded to tell him that he has to convert for the right reasons. He then cut me off and rudely replied, "I don't want to hear any of your Mormon doctrine... you really are crazy" At that moment, I was beginning to loose interest. How could he speak like that to me. Before I could defend myself he continued to tell me that "You need to learn that there is much more to life than religion and God." I knew at that very moment that things weren't going to work out and that I needed to say one more thing before letting him go. He stood up to hug me and I pushed him away and replied, "Not for me. Religion and God is my life. My religion explains why I am living life here." I knew with everything in my being that I deserved so much better than what he had to offer. The last thing that he said to me was "You are never going to get anywhere in life with that attitude." As I watched him walk off, I wasn't mad. I didn't cry. Instead, I was sad for him. He used my religion as an excuse not to date me and couldn't see that I was trying to be open and understanding of him. While silently, he couldn't stand that I know exactly what I want/deserve from someone. Our paths have crossed a few times since then and it's been a little bit weird. I still care to be friends with him because I genuinely care about how he is doing.

If this post ever reaches him, I would want him to know that I do care for him and that I had the best time whenever I was with him because my insecurities seemed to go away. I'm not perfect, and I know that. I don't always say things eloquently, but I hope one day he can see and understand where I was coming from. I hope that one day he will find the gospel for himself and then he can see why it makes me so happy. I told him one of the first days we spent time together that I would want to help someone convert so that they can feel the same happiness I feel from the gospel and all of the blessings I have received. I hope that if you for some reason can't seem to believe what I do, I hope that you will come to respect me for the values and belief system I have. You don't need to agree with me, but I would ask that you would respect me as I respected you. And I hope one day you will find that special girl that will complete your life. Maybe, and just maybe, we could reconnect again.

It's been quite the month already and I know that there are many more lessons I will be learning with the connections I make with people on a daily basis. I'll keep ya'll updated with kaden and when he gets his call, my summer adventures, and the random life lessons I tend to learn ALL the time. Stick to your guns and never accept less than you deserve. Until next,


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What Tinder Taught Me

It all started out with my roommate and I sitting in our living room one August night, bored out of our minds. We were sick of going to the hot tub, watching movies, going out to eat, or even just talking with one another. As we contemplated what we should do for the night, she asked me if I had heard of an app called "Tinder". She went on to explain to me that it was some sort of dating app that you can swipe right or left to people. After a few minutes of talking about how weird the concept was, we both turned on our phones and downloaded the app. We created a profile with a catchy tagline and cute photos. It started off with us just laughing at the weird looking guys, what pictures they had, and gushing over really attractive guys. Downloading the app began as a joke. 10 months later, it's not so much a joke anymore.

I've learned a lot about this app and using it for dating in the past ten months. I still use it on a daily basis and for dating reasons. I don't get asked out by guys at school or even in my ward. I don't often have guys make a pass at me, but this way, I've met so many more guys and have gone on so many more dates than if I wasn't on it. So, what have I learned? Well, here it is:

~Everyone has a "type" | meaning you like certain physical attributes and features of others. I always thought I was pretty open minded. False. I tend to like and "swipe" to blonde hair with blue eyes. Not always, but often.

~When it comes to this app, we are all very shallow | I used to read every tagline, but now I've found myself just swiping. If I think he's physically attractive, I like him. Shallow.... I know....

~There isn't an easy way to start a conversation with a complete stranger | honestly, a simple "hey" or "how are you doing" goes much farther than trying to drop a pick up line. Trust me. Boys/Men, consider actually looking at the girl's tagline and ask her questions about it. Spark conversation.

~If there are two guys in the main photo, chances are that the actual guy is going to be less attractive | been there, learned that. Swipe at your own discretion.

~Girls, if a guy messages you late at night, he's probably only wanting a hookup | use your common sense and listen to your instincts.

~You can meet someone from Tinder, and they wont kill you | people think that this app is really really sketchy, which, it can be. I've met 9 guys in those ten months and only 2 of the 9 were bad news, and I am still in contact with 4 of them.

~It seems like every guy in Utah County loves hitting the gym or being outdoors

~Guys, just because my profile says I love sports and I'm the athletic photographer for UVU, doesn't mean I have a rocking body or that I'll be your gym buddy, sorry | if I had a penny for every time a guy asked me how often I workout, I'd be rich.

~Tinder is an automatic ego boost | don't believe me? just wait until you "match" with someone...and he's very attractive. Even on my worst days, I feel better for a few seconds when I see a new notification.

~Tinder taught me to take chances | I met with guys I normally wouldn't give myself a chance with because I thought they were way too attractive for me. I also learned how to trust myself and if I felt comfortable with people and situations.

~Some of the guys you meet can become close friends | many of the guys I went on dates with were wonderful, but something was missing. So we often didn't want to pursue each other to date. Instead, we still kept in contact, texted, messaged, saw each other in person and established a friendship. These boys are some that I've gone to if I need dating advice or someone to talk to and visa versa.

~Tinder can be what you make of it | if you are looking for a hookup, you'll be finding all of the guys that just want to make out. If you are looking to date and possibly meet someone, then you will find them. It's the way that you portray yourself on your profile and the way that you talk with your matches on the app. Be smart with what details you post and be aware of the persona you are putting out there.

I think that Tinder is both a great thing and an evil thing. It's much like the internet. You can use it for good, or use it for evil. I know of couples that met on Tinder and I recently had a friend who just got married to a man she met on the app and they are some of the happiest people I know!


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Love is in Action

Now before I go on my little tangent and tell ya'll my feelings about the title above, let me give you all a little update with pictures!!
 So we started the week off right by going to Applebee's on Tuesday for Karaoke Night! We had a blast and Dakota even got up and sang with our waiter Wes! I love it when we all are able to get together and have fun!
 Then on Wednesday, I was in my Interpersonal Communications class, we learned about self esteem and seeing ourselves in a positive light. On the left we were to wright flaws about ourselves that we see and even some names or things that people have said to us. Then, on the right we were to write positive things about ourselves. At first it was hard to find positive things to write, but then it got a lot easier and I was able to see that I am awesome and I am worth it and that I am capable of much more than I could imagine.
 Then on Friday, I was able to attend an info session at the Church Office Building in Salt Lake for an internship that I am applying for during the summer. It was really neat to think that I could work in the same building as the Prophet!! Anyway, keep me in your prayers because I would really love this internship and it would pay me while gaining great skills that will help me in the future. Plus, I would get to work in a really great environment.
 And of course, if you are at Temple Square, you have to take a picture by the temple!! (I'm going there someday by the way) And since I hadn't met up with my mom yet, it had to be a selfie (sorry)!!
 Sooooo while I was there I got to meet up with my mom and two of my brothers!! Oh how I love them and it was amazing to see them!! Ah! They make me homesick sometimes!
 And today, I got to hang out with my old roommates to watch the Super Bowel! It was so fun to hang out with them and catch up! This beaut is Emily and she was the one I actually shared a room with. Bless her heart, she was able to put up with me for a whole year.
 This picture isn't from this week, but allow me to introduce you all to Shane! He is the other photographer for UVU! He is pretty much the coolest/nicest guy you will ever meet!!
And lastly, here is the beginnings to a package that I am sending to one of my closest friends that is on a mission and is almost to his year mark! It's crazy how time flies by!!

Now, for the good part: Last Sunday while we were sitting in Sacrament Meeting, Erica (my roommate) leaned over to me and showed me her phone and said "You have to read this talk". I gave it a glance and didn't think about it again until today. I asked her what it was called and she pulled it up on her phone and let me read it during one of our meetings. After reading it, I thought how it would make a wonderful blog topic, so Ta-Da!! I give to you the inspiration for my blog post today: The talk was given by Marvin J Ashton in 1975 and it is titled "Love Takes Time" and I suggest you read it! I'm not going to go over a lot of the talk, but some of my favorite parts and how it has recently applied to my life. You can read the talk by going to this website  .
So, have ya'll heard of the five love languages? Well, if not, it's how a person expresses their love for other people. The five languages are words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. For me, my love languages in order are quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service, physical touch and receiving gifts. By reviewing these five we learn that love is more than a hug or a kiss or words of affirmation: it is much more than that. During the duration of the talk, this is exactly what Marvin J Ashton is getting at and the two main principles that I took away from it were "Love is in Action" and "Love takes time", whether that be love for a friend, a family member, a member of the ward, anyone you come across, and even in a romantic relationship.

"Real love takes time, patience, help, and continuing performance" -Marvin J Ashton

Earlier this week, I came in contact with a young man that shared a lot of interests with me! We began to talk everyday and at a regular basis throughout the day. After a numerous days of talking with one another and developing a "friendship" I found myself beginning to "like" him, I mean he was LDS, a returned missionary, almost finished with school, attractive, witty and seemingly respectful. We ended up hanging out this weekend three consecutive days in a row and I felt that we had a lot of fun together! I feel that I can be my goofy, loud and obnoxious self when I was around him. I felt comfortable in my own skin and confident in myself and who I am, which is a big deal because I haven't really felt like that in a long time. Sure, I said the same thing in the last few blog posts, but this guy helped me see that it's okay to be weird and different than everyone else around. This weekend I was just floored with how respectful he was of me and how genuine he was in conversation and his actions. After seeing him for numerous hours the first two days, I got the opportunity to talk with my cousin on Saturday morning about him and she said exactly this to me, "He sounds wonderful, perfect almost. Keep seeing him and see where things could lead. However, be patient and don't rush into things. Don't ruin the friendship you have with him." As I pined over her words, part of me was like well if he likes me as much as I think I like him, why take things slow? And the other part of me agreed with her and could see her logic with taking things slowly.
So Saturday afternoon, I got the pleasure of seeing this guy for the third day in a row and we were able to talk about our concerns with one another. We were able to be clear and open when we both described our feelings for one another (seeing that they were very similar) and deciding that we are going to be friends first and that we want to take our romantic relationship slowly. When we came up with this compromise, part of me was really sad because I'm one to rush into things and I would completely want to be in a relationship with him! But as I drove home and thought about it, I genuinely like him as a friend and enjoy being with him. He makes me laugh and I want him in my life regardless if it is as a friend/or in a romantic relationship. (Although we all know how I hope it turns out). But this weekend, I surely learned that a relationship takes time and patience whether it is a friendship or a romantic relationship.

"Love of God takes time. Love of family takes time. Love of country takes time. Love of neighbor takes time. Love of companion takes time. Love in courtship takes time. Love of self takes time."
 -Marvin J Ashton

As you can see from the quote above, any kind of love takes time. But more specifically, I would like to talk about the last one: love of self. I feel that as a kid, I had really high self esteem and accepted myself for who I was. However, that surely faded by the time I hit 6th grade. I danced many years and also spent numerous years on a competition team. Many times I would be teased for the way I looked and would be referred to as "the bigger girl" because I wasn't stick thin like all of the other girls. Unlike them, my body had begun to develop a little early. It got worse as I entered junior high and tried to survive my 7th, 8th, and 9th grade years. Along with poor self esteem, some complications arose when it came to my feelings about my body. As I entered high school, these feelings didn't go away, but heightened as the new pressure of dating was added to the mix. I wanted to make sure I always looked cute and that guys thought highly of me. Obviously, this is very hard for all teenagers to deal with, but I was not doing a great job of it at all. I remember specifically one day during my junior year, I was laying on the couch in our living room and my mom asked me if I was going to go to a party with my friends that I had been invited to. I told her I wasn't. She then continued to remind me that it had been months, if not a year since I went out with friends and had a good time. I had shut out my friends and would rather stay home and not do anything or see anyone. The next week we went to talk with a doctor and found out that I was battling with clinical depression and anxiety. My mom and I never really thought that this was a real phenomenon and wondered why people couldn't just "snap out of it". But now that I was facing it and we saw the influence it had over my life, we came to the realization that it is a horrible disease. It wasn't until I got to college and after having my ups and downs, I finally was able to find myself again. I went to church and learned that so many people love me outside of my family and my roommates. I got a job and was highly involved on campus and saw that I had a purpose and that I was valued. I was able to find the "happy Linsey" that my mom so desperately wanted me to find. However, my love of self didn't come easily, it came with a lot of hard work and by serving others.
Once I began to serve the people in my ward, my concept of self worth bursted to a new height and I truly began to understand the phrase that "I am a daughter of God" and I was able to see I was worth it. Ever since this newfound sense of self, I have stopped taking my medication for depression and anxiety and I feel that I have a better grip on my life and my emotions.

I want you all to know how amazing it feels when you truly love yourself and when you know that you are all sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. Love in any form takes time. Be patient with yourself and with those around you. And when you are patient, wonderful things happen and fall into place the way that they are supposed to.

'Till next

Friday, January 24, 2014

I Thought I Understood It....

"I thought I understood it, that I could grasp it, but I didn't, not really. Only the smudgeness of it; the pink-slippered, all-containered, semi-precious eagerness of it. I didn't realize it would sometimes be more than whole, that the wholeness was a rather luxurious idea. Because it's the halves that halve you in half. I didn't know, don't know, about the in-between bits; the gory bits of you, and the gory bits of me."
-Like Crazy

This is by far one of my favorite quotes when it comes to talking about love. At first you think that you can grasp what exactly love is and that it is an ideal idea and it's all stars and butterflies. But in reality, once you fall in love with the right person, you realize it is much more complex than you could ever imagine. You learn deep dark bits about yourself, and about the person you find love with. Love isn't perfect, and neither are the two players. You learn from trial and error how you deserve to be treated and who rightfully deserves to be with you.

**At night, I lay alone, in the darkness, thinking, dreaming, and remembering everything so vividly**

As we sat there on my couch, and me, entangled in his arms, we listened to the beating of hearts, the release of breath, and the pur of the fridge. We, avoiding the obvious elephant in the room. What was to happen in a matter of weeks when an entire ocean would separate us? The time that we spent laughing, joking, smiling and spending time with one another; it was real, but was it void? I asked him a foolish question that night that I believe will haunt me for the rest of my life and changed the course of our relationship. After I took him "home" and dropped him off, I drove home realizing that I had changed the way we would speak together.

After all the nights I spent alone after he left, the nights I cried to myself and the numerous times I recounted my story to friends with listening ears, I realized some of the most important truths about love. If you are in love with someone, they should make you feel confident in yourself, who you are (in all of your awkwardness) what you look like, what you dress like, and they should respect your beliefs even if they may not completely agree. The should love every inch of you. All of the stitches and all of the tears. All of your perfections and all of the imperfections. It wasn't until I met him that I realized what "being in love" should feel like and how I deserve to be treated. It's amazing how one experience can change the way that you look at things and how they affect us.

If he reads this, he may think I'm utterly crazy, or he may completely agree with me.

To you:
        I just have to say one thing and it's really important that you just listen to me. I just... It doesn't feel like this, this thing is gonna go away, it's always there. I can't... I can't get rid of it, but I will go on with my life.

**Another chapter in my life has now come to an end**

"What" and "If" are two words as non-threatening as words can be. But put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life: What if? What if? What if?
 But if what you felt then was true love, then it's never too late. If it was true then, why wouldn't it be true now? You need only the courage to follow your heart. I don't know what a love like Juliet's feels like - love to leave loved ones for, love to cross oceans for but I'd like to believe if I ever were to feel it, that I will have the courage to seize it.

If you find it, please, seize it. Please.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

I am Capable of More

Have you ever been asked the question "What quality do you like most about yourself?" For years, my response would be "My eyes", "my smile", or even "my personality". But I think after talking with my brother and thinking to myself, I believe that my answer has changed. I now want to be able to tell people that what I love about myself is my ability to "love unconditionally and connect with people" on a much deeper level than others can.
This week has been a long/hard struggle with balancing work, school, and my social life and I just needed to talk with my brother. He is my greatest confidant and I go to him whenever I am unsure of myself, need reassurance, advice, and just someone to listen to me. ( I don't know what I am going to do when he leaves on his mission ) Well, I called him last night asking his advice on a situation that I was caught up in and I felt insecure and unsure of what I thought or felt. He abruptly stopped my muttering and said to me "Linsey, you are capable of more than you can imagine. You love people for who they are and not what they have done. Not everyone can do that. You need to be there for people regardless of their situation." After I stopped and thought about it for a moment, I realized that he was correct. I do connect with people on a deeper level than most and I am able to relate to some of the things that we discuss. I've been bullied, made fun of, and at times felt that I am not worthy of anyone's love. I know what that feels like, and I can't imagine going all the way back to the hopeless feelings such as those. I also have an understanding that people are not perfect and I have no place to judge, that is our Heavenly Father's job, not ours. I may not know everything about every topic of church doctrine or even about life, but I have to rely on my faith and know that I what I am doing and how I am living is correct. Until I return with him someday, I have to rely on my unchanging faith. 
I shared something with my roommate the other night that I find is very fascinating about me and here it is... I honestly have no idea why I was supposed to go to Utah Valley University. I never had a desire to live in Utah County and I despised this place for the first few months that I lived here. For as long as I can remember, I always wanted to go to Utah State University just like my parents. However, my senior year, we were at UVU for the state wrestling tournament and as I was walking around campus during one of the breaks, I had and undeniable feeling come to me that would not go away for the remainder of the tournament. The feeling/thought was "This is where you are supposed to go to school. Begin your registration." Once I knew that the thought wasn't just random but was an answer to many prayers, I broke down and cried in the middle of the hallway. I never wanted to come to school here. I didn't want to move to Provo. I wanted to live in Logan just like my parents. 
However, after living here during my second year, I have a really good idea of why I am here. I have met so many wonderful and colorful people here that I would have never have had the opportunity of meeting back in Clinton. I have had experiences here that I couldn't have had anywhere else. Even after wanting to serve a mission and praying about it multiple times and receiving the answer "not yet", I know that right now, my "mission" is to touch the lives of people here in Orem that others may not be able to reach. Also, by helping these people, I am strengthening my testimony and learning to rely on my own faith. In the past year and a half of living on my own, I've learned so much about myself and that I can do hard things. I've loved and lost, I've dealt with hard roommates, I became less active and found my way back, I've provided for myself, and I've learned how to love myself again and have never felt so sure of who I am and whose I am. 
I know that I am a daughter of a royal birthright and that I am capable of many things. I know that certain people are placed in our lives for a season or for the remainder of our earthly life for a reason. I know that I have talents that I may not know I have and I know that the talents I do have can be strengthened. I know that in this earthly life, we were given trials to overcome and with the help of our Father in Heaven, we can do so! How great will be the day when we return to Him and in His loving embrace he says "Well done. I'm proud of you." I cannot wait for that day. This gospel is true and I know it!! Have a happy Sunday everyone!
'till next

Sunday, January 12, 2014

It's been some time

It's been a while since I last posted. This semester just got crazy and a little out of hand. I switched my major again since the last time I wrote, but this time I'm sure it will stay. I've decided to become a communications major with an emphasis in public relations. I love people and building friendships, so what better way to educate myself than to get a degree in something I love!! I'm also still working three jobs in order to pay for my living here away from home. One of them involves me being employed by UVU and planning programs for the complex I am currently at. I love it! And yes, I am still the athletic photographer. 
Last semester, I learned a lot. A lot about myself, the gospel, what I am capable of, what I need to work on, and I also learned how to love. 
About myself, what can I say? I've come a full 180 degrees. This time las year, I was a less active member in my ward and was ready to move home. I needed a friend to reach out to me and reassure me that everything was going to be alright. It wasn't until I decided that I needed to go to church again for me and not because someone invited me. It all started with me deciding to go to our ward prayer for the first time, by myself. I remember sitting among other members in the ward and just feeling the love they had for one another. As I sat by myself, a member of the bishopric came up to me and asked my name and if I was new to the ward. I was mortified that he didn't know who I was and that I had not been active enough for him to know that I had been in the ward for five months. That's when I realized that I wasn't the same person I was when I first moved away to college. I knew things had to change. I began going to every church event I could, both so I could meet people and also so I could feel the Spirit so I could take the peaceful feeling with me as I entered my chaotic and demeaning apartment atmosphere. I soon became the ward prayer chair person and never missed a ward prayer, even if I had visited home, I would go back just for the prayer. I then got called as a relief society instructor. That for me, is honestly one of the most enjoyed callings I have served in. I guess what I am trying to get at, is I've changed a lot spiritually. However, I was talking with a young man today about why Sunday is my favorite day. And I told him " I get to recharge and think about what I can do differently the coming week that I didn't do the previous week". He wanted me to tell him what exactly helps me recharge, and I had to think about it, I still do, so when I have a more elaborate answer, I'll let y'all know. 
This semester I also learned a lot about love and how to love somebody. Yes, I do mean in the lovey-dovey way, but I also mean loving someone as Christ does. Let me start with the latter. I've recently worked really hard to look past things about people that may bother me and to see them as they truly are and treating them as I would like to be treated. I found that as I did this, I was much happier and pleased with not only my social life and how I was able to relate with so many different people, but I was happier and more confident with myself. I felt that by loving others, I was able to better love myself. Now, for the lovey part. Growing up, my friends would make fun of me for being too "boy crazy", and trust me, I think a lot of guys were cute. But I never knew what it was like to love somebody until a guy came into my life. Sure I said I "loved" the kid I kissed on the cheek in the first grade, or I "loved" the cute guy in middle school, or that I "loved" the kid from my home ward who I thought I was someday going to marry, or that I even "loved" a friend I'm writing as he's on his mission. After my experience with this last guy, that's when I really learned how to love, even if it was for only a month or two. One thing I learned was that love will find you when you least expect it. Up until this guy asked me out on a date, I hadn't been on a date for two years. I was nervous, but as we met up at the cafe, lets be real, I was still nervous. We ordered our food and sat down to talk. I learned so much about him and his life back home in Europe. And then the next thing I knew, we had been there for three hours and it was starting to get dark out. I had another  date planned, and I called the other guy and asked for a rain check because I was having so much fun with the guy I was sitting across from. We went back to my apt and hung out until midnight looking up things on the Internet and on YouTube to show each other "weird" things about our countries. At the end of the night, he gave me a hug, no kiss, nothing. And I was astonished. Astonished because he was so respectful of me. In the days to come we would see each other again and watch both Pride and Prejudice and West Side Story together. He exemplifies qualities that I look for in a guy. Respectful, honest, trustworthy, looked past my flaws, and loved me in all of my awkwardness. Somehow, in the back of my mind, I knew that this wouldn't last, even if I thought we could make it work. One, he was leaving to go back to Europe after the end of the semester and two, he is not LDS and I didn't and still do not plan on marrying outside of the covenant. I know that while he was here he read the Book of Mormon and he was taking missionary discussions. I only hope that one day, he will find that the church is true and he will get to experience all the blessings that the gospel has brought into my life. I guess I understand the phrase "it's better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all". As hard as it was the first few weeks, I'm glad I had the experience because I now have a better idea of how I deserve to be treated and the kind of man that I do want in my life. 
Man, this has been quite possibly the longest blog entry I've ever written. I have more thoughts, but I don't believe y'all could read much longer, so ill try and keep y'all updated with all the new things I am experiencing and the new friends I continue to make. Now, to entertain you with some photos!! 
'Till next
I've got a pretty rocking roommate :) cyd and I at the multi stake Halloween dance
I got to work with some amazing people 
I took a drawing class and survived with a B+
I learned how to FaceTime with my favorite people! 
I'm in love with my family/brothers and am so grateful I know that I can be with them for eternity. I grow to love and appreciate them more and more each day. 
Lets be real, I have the best roommates!!
I got into the REC program at UVU and am thrilled to begin a new adventure. 
And most importantly, I've grown to love myself, who I am, what I look like, my capabilities, and even my flaws. I've learned to love myself and am beginning to see me the way that others do and the way that my Heavenly Father sees me. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Making a House a Home

Man, it's sure been a long time since I've written. So much has happened!! I've moved to a new apartment because I am now a Community Ambassador at my complex. I have some wonderful roommates and I sure love them! I've had some amazing experiences that have truly shown me that we create the environment we want/need to live in. By hanging pictures of Christ and various other religious artwork, our home has a different feeling. I always feel safe when I come home to my place. Also, I know that by living the gospel and by going to church regularly, this also brings the Spirit into our home. It's been amazing! I know that I always want our place to feel safe so that people we know can come here as a haven and to know that they are protected. Just some random rambling, but I hope I got my point across. Anyway, here are some pictures of our cute apt. Enjoy!
 First off, this is my private room! It's a tad messy, but you get the jist. Because I am a Community Ambassador, my rent is paid for and I get my own room. *Note: that is a KING size bed!! my goodness
 I get both sides of the closet! More room for my clothes.
 This is the view you would see after walking in our main door. The Living Room and Kitchen. We are pretty dang good at decorating.
 Here is what our tiny kitchen looks like. It's small, but very functional.
Um, be jealous. This is the view from outside my bedroom window. I wake up to this everyday. It's beautiful. This is our courtyard where we hold the movie nights and where we will have our dance next week!